What is Line and Copy-editing?
Detail, lovely detail! Once you’re happy with the big picture, it’s time to focus on the nitty-gritty and make the text shine. A line-by-line copy-edit does so much more than amend grammar; it aims to ensure a level of clarity and consistency that will enhance the connection between author and reader without distorting the author's voice. My copy-editing service includes the level of editing sometimes referred to as ‘line editing’. I work on the manuscript itself, providing comments and making tracked changes. The service involves:
- Providing comments to assist with eliminating inconsistencies in character and plot
- Monitoring the general flow of the text
- Highlighting material that may be unsuitable for the intended readership
- Pointing out inconsistencies in the timeline (is your character reading a book not published at that time, or is he/she celebrating a tenth birthday when it should be a fifteenth?)
- Pointing out contradictions in the text (for example a David turning into a Daniel)
- Identifying repetition, clumsy word breaks, awkward sentences and missing material, with suggested alternatives where appropriate
- Correcting typographical errors
- Eradicating errors and inconsistencies in grammar, syntax, punctuation, spelling and usage
- Eliminating inconsistencies in style and presentation (such as capitalisation and use of italics)
- Raising queries that require a decision by the author, e.g. where the text is ambiguous
- Formatting of paragraphs to ensure compliance with standard publishing conventions
- Basic fact-checking, such as historical dates, brand names, place names…
Rob Matthews
Director, Betterwrite.com
Advanced Professional Member, Society for Editors and Proofreaders
As an associate editor with Betterwrite.com Nikki takes her work very seriously, applying herself with diligence, perseverance and integrity. She has turned rough prose into good English, making judicious comments to authors – her legal knowledge has been much appreciated – and developing her skills with a variety of fiction texts. The authors’ comments are a tribute to Nikki’s editorial competence:
Exceptional work ... to say I was impressed would be an understatement. (Winston Smith, The Gauntlets of Power)
Thank you so much … Writing is very hard work, but you have made it worthwhile for me. (Mollie Lord, Painting with Jam)